I'm looking for a college right now and i'm thinking I want to do something in the Forensics field. But I have NO idea what I would major in. I do NOT want to study bone remains, whats left of a body, etc. but I think it would be really awesome to go into finger printing or collecting other evidence or even crime scene photography. What kind of major would I do? I'm also really into computers, and I think it'd be awesome doing some sort of job in the government. As for the college, live in the UK and I really don't want to go to college too far away, but I also wouldn't HATE going to the US for college for an exchange program. What college would you recommend? Any help would be great. thanks!
College for forensics?
If you like computing, go into that. Because the TV shows have made forensics so popular, even if you do everything you're supposed to do and do it well, your chances of finding a job in that field are poor. If you go into computing and it doesn't work out, you'll still find a good job. There are plenty of things like code-breaking that you could do for the government that involve maths and computing.
teeth bleaching
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