a college that provides accommodations for students with learning disabilities and wont automatically throw me at a community college. If i start i wanna get my gen eds out of the way right away not beat around with uncorrelating courses for 2 years just to be able to take my gen eds. I have a 3.8 high school gpa, was in the NHS,NTHS, and the NSHSS, am an eagle scout and want to become a full time teacher.IAm 20 years old and i took community college courses before and they don't give you appropriate accommodations ( 2 minuets of extra testing time max) and about 7/8ths of all the courses just involve tests (iam a horrible test taker, 1320 sat) The only way I can really do college is if some college unconditionally will take me with the above stated conditions. How do i go about getting a college to accept me without throwing me at a community college first. lam in a bad position , this things absolutely must happen for me to ever go back to college. thats the only way period.
Is there a college that will take me?
I sense a little confusion here. The ADA requires that colleges provide the legal accomodations for your identified and certified disability. That is absolute and they MUST do it or face very heavy fines and penalties.
But, you must meet their requirement. No college is required to give you credit unless you complete all the work that other students complete. The colleges are NOT required to make a class easier, or reduce the work load, or let you get by without doing some of the work. That is definitely NOT required. You must complete all the work that other students complete. No ifs, ands or buts.
The whole point of LD assistance is that LD students are supposed to have a specific disability that can be corrected, after which they can function as normal students. Once the college has provided the accomodation for that disability, then you must compete head to head against all the other kids. You can not force anyone to do things the way you want. By law, the colleges do NOT have to meet your demands. They only have to provided the exact requirements specified. You have to meet their conditions. Unless you can do that, you are not going to get through college.
Reply:Yes. Colleges by law are required to accommodate those with disabilities (Americans with Disabilities Act). Since you're high school GPA and extracurricular activities are excellent, you should have no problem getting accepted. Just try and see.
Reply:You need to go personally talk to an admission officer at whatever colleges you are interested in. All colleges that receive federal funding must provide accommodations for students with learning disabilities -- it's a federal law in the USA. Your 3.8 high school GPA is good. Speak personally to academic advisors at your local state universities and colleges ... they are there to help you. Good luck! Your determination will prove a real asset to you!
Reply:I have never heard of a university sending you to a community college first. weird
well in michigan anyone will take you. but i would check your transfer equivalencies to make sure no matter where you apply they will take the prereqs that you already have paid/taken. as for being accepted you have high grades so i wouldn't doubt why they wouldn't take you. but you must apply anyways. just remember to keep your options open and make sure you ask about the programs assistance that they give for students with disabilities.
Reply:Seems to me you want more of the easy way out and less of a learning disability. I find it hard to believe anyone with a 3.8 G.P.A. has any sort of learning disability. Perhaps it's in English since you clearly have no solid grasp of writing skills. (i.e. uncorrelating)
There is nothing wrong with community colleges whatsoever. I doubt it was as bad as you allege. I went to and graduated from one a year ago and almost all of my courses involved heavy work, plenty of test time(but not always centered around tests), and more than enough accommodations for those with disabilities.
As for irrelevant coursework, you're going to have to take it whether you like it or not. I took classes I would rather have not taken. But as part of your lower division general ed requirements go, you have no other choice.
Quit your whining, take some English classes, and STOP looking for someone to hand an easy education to you.
Reply:What is you learning disability? You never stated it.
teeth grinding
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