Sunday, August 22, 2010

College dropout experiences?

I'm finishing up my first year of college. I'm not miserable, but I'm just bored and don't feel like I'm growing as a person.

I took a gap year working at a school between high school and college and I felt like I learned and grew so much more during that year than this one. I love to learn, but I love to do it on my own instead of this scheduled reading and writing that isn't hands on at all.

On the other hand, I feel like not having at least a bachelors degree is going to be something that I'll regret, and if I stick around in school, I'll find my niche and become happier.

If I did drop out, I think I'd travel and work and maybe take classes part time. I'm fairly independent and flexible.

So, college dropouts... what would you say about your decision to leave college? Have you regretted it? Did you go back to school later?

College dropout experiences?
follow ur heart. that's what i'm supposed to say. what i'm going to tell u is stay ur a** in school! no matter how bored u r or how badly u feel it's a waste of ur time. believe me, had i known then what i knew now. i would've stayed and suffered and gotten my friggin degree.

now, the cost of living is higher, jobs are paying less and it's nearly impossible to find something decent paying (that isn't a trade) where u can work and pay for school at least part time.

stay, trust me, u'll thank me later.

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