Thursday, August 19, 2010

College question?

OK i am in 10th grade right now and i am only 15, so by the time i am applying to college and am a senior i will only be 17. Is it possible for a parent to stop you from going to college if you are under 18, my mom has threatened me repeatedly to do this because i wont legally be an adult. I have a lot of family problems going on right now and all i want is to get out of the house when i'm old enough because it is very abusive (Physically). My mom has repeatedly told me to drop out of high school because i have no future and her and my step dad see no point in supporting me financially if I’m never going to amount to anything. I know i don’t have a 4.0 but i do try my best, and i know i won’t go to the best college but a community college is fine for me. Please help! Can she really prevent me from going to college as in will i need parent consent or something. Also can she enroll me out of High school? Sorry if the situation is hard to understand.

College question?
I'm certainly no lawyer--a better person to talk about this to would be your guidance counselor or your priciple. I'm fairly certain, though, that there's nothing on the common application itself that requires a parent's signature--especially if you do it online. Basically all of the stuff that has to do with you applying, being accepted and confirming your college choice only requires your signature, whether you're 18 or not.

Money is another problem--you'll eventually have to fill out form to apply for federal student aid, which will ask for financial information and copies of your parent(s)' W-2 forms (the government sends them out once a year--it has information about a person's income and taxes). I would think, though, that if you honestly can't expect any financial help from your parents, you wouldn't need to include any of that.

Definitely do some more research. I'm sure your state has a searchable database of all laws regarding education and being of age. Try federal laws, too. Also, see if you can contact somebody at FAFSA and ask them about your situation--the summer and fall are good times because that's their 'off season' with college applicants.

I really hope you get through all this and make it to college! Your family situation sucks major, but you'll find a way out of it.
Reply:they can not take you out of school with out showing that they are homeschooling you (in most states) Talk with your councilor, teacher that you trust. ANYONE! Let them know what is going on and see if they can help in any way. As far as school after high school i don't know. I guess it depends on your state and all that... Good luck!
Reply:I believe you can take it to court if necessary. you may have to declare yourself independent from your parents or something. however you will still be able to attend college. just try hard. there are programs out there to help you succeed.
Reply:oh wow, dear, i'm sorry all that's happening! i don't know all the legal stuff, but don't listen to your mom when it comes to what you can and can't do. if you try hard enough, you'll get to where you are the best at whatever you do. maybe talk to the school counselor or someone there and let them know what's going on (they don't have to know ALL the details, whatever you said above is plenty unless you feel compelled to share) and see what they say...good luck! i hope everything goes well for you! :)

Edit: and there are some really good scholarships out there for students who will be supporting themselves....try to get started, then just start googling're bound to get something...also, don't forget to do the FAFSA (federal student aid)-you can google that one too

shark teeth

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