Sunday, August 22, 2010

College: go away, or stay local?

It's my senior year in high-school, and I'm not sure weather I should go away to a private college; or go to community college for 2 years and transfer afterwards. If I go away I would be in a completely new environment, on my own, and start fresh. If I go to a community college it would allow me to save substantial amount of money and possibly give me time to decide on a major and possibly better colleges. What should I do?

College: go away, or stay local?
If you don't care about missing the "freshman experience" then go ahead and go to community college. Just have in mind the college you would like to go to in the future and make sure the credits you take for classes in CC will transfer over with you without problems.
Reply:I would stick to community college until you know what your major is. As a college student I see many people who are undeclared spend money on classes that end up not counting towards their major. On the other hand, you can just take Gen- Ed's until you declare a major. Guess I haven;t been much help, I would say go away to college. It is a great way to start out your life and become independant! You have your whole life to make and save money. Enjoy college life while you can!

baby teeth losing

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