Sunday, August 22, 2010

College Students/ and College Professors Which should I choose? Associates/Bachelors?

I will be attending a college that offers an Associates Degree in Nursing, but I plan on transferring after graduation to a college that offers the bachelors degree; which is what I am really trying to obtain. My question is should I just start with the college that offers the highest degree I that am shooting for or start at the other which only offers the associates? Mind you the school I am starting with is cheaper and closer to home (which is why I chose it to start at that particular school ... and just get my pre-req's out of the way) Each degree is only seperated by one year or two sememsters of work load.. but the cost difference is huge! What would you do?

College Students/ and College Professors Which should I choose? Associates/Bachelors?
How about you spend a semester or two taking classes at the cheaper, school that offers an Associate's. You don't need to obtain the degree, those semesters will 1.) Be cheaper 2.)Give you a clearer picture of what you want to get out of your education and 3.)Transfer your gen eds and other courses towards the bachelors making it cheaper in the long run.

Its what I did, I ended up finding out I didn't want to do what I thought I wanted to do with my life, so I saved a lot more money but also got gen eds out of the way so it wasn't a total waste! Good luck!

shark teeth

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