Tuesday, August 17, 2010

College information and help, please?

Hi, I'm in 8th grade, and already thinking about college. I should though, everyone in my grade does. Anyway, I need to know some info about colleges and universities-

1. When I get into high school next year, what should I do? I'm a straight-A student, and planning to take AP classes, but how to "apply" or choose or what?

2. More about high school- next year, what should I do or look into? School and education is very important to me, so I want to start early.

3. What are some scholarships I can get? (I'm a Russian Jew, people say that can help.)

4. Most importantly, can you give me an overview of the whole college thing?

5. What are some good websites on colleges, college information, and/or scholarships?

Thanks so much!

College information and help, please?
Just for shits and giggles i'll share my knowledge

1) When you sign up for your classes you'll have the opp. to sign up for APs, if you have the proper prerequisites. AP physics B is the only class I know of that has pre-reqs that a freshman could take...Trig math

In some ties, people who have passed AP tests have been rejected compared to people who haven't, cause if you graduate early, colleges can't bill you.

2) look into? SAT and GPA on get you past the cutoff during college admissions. Unless you're in the top like, 3% in SAT scores for all applicants to a school, you'll need a great amount of extra cirruics.

3) Don't know anything about scholarships, but if you're planning on using Affirmative action in some way, know that it DOES NOT HELP YOU. It's only a tie-breaker, if you aren't qualified then it won't do you anything, but it is a tie-breaker.

4) Apply to colleges, if you don't have a high enough SAT or GPA they reject you, if you do they look at your stuff.

5) princeton review, do a google search.
Reply:1- Take some AP courses, but don't exhaust yourself. Don't take too many AP classes because then you'll miss out on the college experience, besides some of the AP classes might be useless depending on what you want to major in. I would advice not to take any AP classes until your junior or senior year, that way you will have a fairly clear idea of what you want to do. If you have an idea on what you want to do now, you might end up changing it, I know I changed my mind a few times before I decided to major in Physics.

2- Go at your own pace, again, don't exhaust yourself. Do some extra-curricular activities, colleges like that, and it could also help you with scholarships.

3- A good website for scholarships is fastweb.com, they have lots of information about them. But really the best way to get info would be to talk to your counselor once you get to high school.

4- A good website for colleges is petersons.com.

It's up to you, but in my opinion it's a little early to talk about what college to attend with your counselor now. Like I said, you might end up changing your mind quite a few times by the time you're a senior. Do you have a career in mind right now? Do you have a major in mind?

In my case, first I wanted to be a doctor, then I wanted to be a lawyer, then I said I'd major in business, then i wanted to be an engineer, before I finally realized I loved physics and astronomy.
Reply:Talk to your school counselor. Part of their job is to help you navigate these issues. I was pretty much on my own when it came to this topic and would have been lost without my school counselor. Also, check the internet for scholarships, but be careful of scams. Anything you have to send money to first, nix off your list. It is probably a scam. If you have some colleges in mind, contact their admissions department and ask them of any scholarships available from the school. I went to a college that had an academic based scholarship that you got for your class ranking and SAT score. I didn't even know it was available until they sent me a letter to let me know I got it. I was so happy because even though I had been accepted, I knew I could not afford to attend that school. Good luck and I am sure you will get where you want to go especially since you are smart enough to start planning now.
Reply:Well my suggestion to you is to get stright a's or at least try your hardest to get the best grades that you can possibly get. Do your research and i mean what kind of college are you looking for a small, big, public or private and what kind of fields are you planning to study or major in? During high school take the ap classes that you can get but if your not getting good grades then don't try ap because that can lower grades even more! Apply for financial aid, loans or scholarships they can help you alot finacialy. Talk to your guidance counselor she will guide you through your last year of high school. A year before you apply colleges get a tour and someone from campus who can tell you more about the college. Your sat and act tests should be good enough for the college that you want to enroll..Have fun and good luck!!!

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