Tuesday, August 17, 2010

College sucks.?

Can I ask what is the point of college?

It's usually the obvious answers: To get a better job/career, be smarter, etc.

But after awhile it seems it's mostly for image, and to surrender your money until you're broke or in debt.

Think about it, pretend theirs a family dinner two sons one when to college for (let's just make something up here) accounting. The other one didn't and learn a particular skill. If someone at the table has a question, and it involves the knowledge of the non college son, they usually ask the college grad first. Even though he has no clue how to answer them.

That's all I see of college.

It's ridiculously over priced. Imagine how much money you will save if you I love how the professor talk about a required textbook that's 100 something. Amazon is out of stock and the normal stores ran out of used copies. After telling you the required book he mentions it's avaliable in the school's book store right below the room as a hard cover for full retail price

College sucks.?
First things first. College is necessary to further your education, which will no doubt open doors of opportunity for future careers. However, this is not the only benefit associated with college. There's always a next step in life. College doesn't have to be for you, but it is for a lot of other people. It's almost a transitional period between childhood and full blown adult life. It expands your horizons by leaps and bounds by introducing you to new people, ideas and it may even alter your outlook on several things. For those who are introverted, it will offer the opportunity to blossom and develop a personal confidence that would've remained non existent otherwise. To put it simply, college is where a lot of people discover themselves and develop personal beliefs that aren't hindered by some of the trivial issues found in high school. Lifelong friendships are made as well. Don't down college too hard. There are a lot of things to be gained (that don't require setting foot in a classroom) by going to school.
Reply:College textbooks have a limited market, and they are expensive to publish. That's why they cost so much. If you could get the general public to buy them, they'd be a lot cheaper. Most never publish enough to come out in paperback.

If you actually learn something useful in college - science, medicine, engineering, law - then it's certainly not 'just for image'. If you learn something useless, like sociology or women's studies, then yeah, you might have wasted some money.
Reply:Well overpriced I agree but as a mature student I do see the need for higher education. I know it is the same old but if you want to earn a decent wage when you are older then you really do need a higher education. I have learnt this the hard way. It is hard to manage when you have a family so if you are able to take a job with higher earnings it is better.
Reply:College isn't for everyone. It seems its not for you. That's OK. Of the top 10 richest people in America, half do not have a college degree (see Forbes list). There is no shame in not going to college.
Reply:i agree. i think the concept is "no more spoon feeding, go live ur life"
Reply:Yes, for certain careers, there really are alternatives to college. But try going into Education, Law, or Medicine without a degree. And if you go into debt in college, that is offset by the fact that you will be making more money than the average person. Basically, college is a decision you should make based on what you want to do in life, and not anything else, including image.
Reply:it is overpriced. but, someone with a college degree will earn over a million dollars more than someone with only a high school diploma.

weigh the long term pros and cons before you make a rash judgement.

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